Primary Nutrients

Primary Nutrients

Secondary Nutrients

Secondary Nutrients

Water Soluble Fertilisers

Water Soluble Fertilisers

Organic & Bio-Fertilisers

Organic & Bio-Fertilisers



Nano Fertilisers

Nano Fertilisers

Secondary Nutrients

These are the Nutrients that are required by plants in lesser quantities than the primary nutrients. However, they too control major plant functions such as chlorophyll formation, protein synthesis, etc. Secondary Nutrient deficiency can cause inhibited growth and poor yield. IFFCO’s secondary nutrients ensure soil fertility and high yielding crops.

NPK 12-32-16
Sulphur Bentonite

Sulphur Bentonite is a combination of pure sulphur and Bentonite clay. It is used as a secondary nutrient and also to correct alkaline soil problems.

NPK 10-26-26
Magnesium Sulphate

Magnesium sulphate is a secondary nutrient and is used to correct magnesium deficiency in the soil. Magnesium sulphate also improves nitrogen and phosphorous uptake by crops.