Primary Nutrients

Primary Nutrients

Secondary Nutrients

Secondary Nutrients

Water Soluble Fertilisers

Water Soluble Fertilisers

Organic & Bio-Fertilisers

Organic & Bio-Fertilisers



Nano Fertilisers

Nano Fertilisers

Organic & Bio-Fertilisers

Bio-fertilizers are an environmentally friendly and cost-effective renewable source of plant nutrients that supplement fertilizers. Bio-fertilizers contain living or latent micro-organisms cells that are capable of fixing the atmospheric nutrients or solubilize the insoluble nutrient for the plant’s absorption. They are also excellent for enhancing nutrient availability in soil.
These are categorized based on fertilizers capability to solubilize the specific nutrient.
Nitrogenous Bio-fertilisers: Capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen, the bacterial organisms present in the Nitrogenous bio-fertilizer either fix atmospheric nitrogen or solubilize insoluble forms of soil nutrients. IFFCO’s nitrogen-fixing bio-fertilizers are Rhizobium, Azotobacter, and Acetobacter.
Phosphate Solubilising Bacteria (PSB): Capable of fixing phosphorous and make it available for plants uptake either by fix atmospheric phosphorous or solubilize insoluble forms of phosphate.
Potassium Mobilizing Bio-fertiliser (KMB): Capable of solubilizing Potassium from insoluble compounds and providing it for plant uptake.
Zinc Solubilizing Bio-fertiliser (ZSB): Capable of solubilizing ZINC from insoluble compounds and providing it for plant uptake.
NPK liquid consortia: a consortium of nitrogen, phosphorus & potassium solubilizing micro-organisms

NPK 12-32-16
Zinc Solubalizing Bacteria

Zinc is one of the micronutrients essential for several plant development processes, including growth hormone production and internode elongation. Zinc Solution Bio

NPK 10-26-26
Plant Growth Promoter - Sagarika Liquid

Sagarika is a seaweed extract (28% w/w) based growth-promoting biofertilizer. Seaweed is a designated organic fertilizer that enhances metabolism and promotes internal growth.

NPK 10-26-26
Plant Growth Promoter - Sagarika

Sagarika is a seaweed extract (28% w/w) based growth-promoting biofertilizer. Seaweed is a designated organic fertilizer that enhances metabolism and promotes internal growth

NPK 10-26-26
Liquid Consortia(N.P.K)

A biofertilizer that is a consortium of Rhizobium, Azotobacter and Acetobacter, Phospho Bacteria- Psuedomonus and Potassium Solution-Baciles bacteria.

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It is a biofertilizer that contains Azospirillum bacteria which has the ability to colonize the plant roots and fixing atmospheric Nitrogen. It synthesizes phytohormones.

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It is a biofertilizer that contains Acetobacter bacteria which has the ability to colonize the plant roots and fixing atmospheric Nitrogen. It is especially beneficial for sugarcane.

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It is a biofertilizer that contains non-symbiotic Azotobacter bacteria which has the ability to fix atmospheric Nitrogen. It is recommended for non-leguminous crops like Paddy.

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It is a biofertilizer that contains symbiotic Rhizobium bacteria which is the most important nitrogen-fixing organism. These organisms have the ability to drive