Non Profit Subsidiaries

Not For Profit Initiatives

IFFCO understands that the holistic development of farmers and their families extends beyond the direct scope of a for-profit cooperative. To address broader developmental needs and to foster socio-economic prosperity among farmers, IFFCO has launched several not-for-profit subsidiaries. These initiatives are designed to provide comprehensive support, ranging from financial assistance to education and training, ensuring sustainable growth and resilience in the farming community.

IFFCO Kisan Sewa Trust (IKST)

The IFFCO Kisan Sewa Trust (IKST) was established through joint contributions from IFFCO and its employees. This trust is dedicated to providing financial assistance to farmers living below the poverty line and those affected by natural calamities. By offering this support, IKST aims to mitigate the adverse impacts of financial distress and natural disasters on farmers, ensuring they can sustain their livelihoods and continue their agricultural activities.

Indian Farm Forestry Development Cooperative (IFFDC)

The Indian Farm Forestry Development Cooperative (IFFDC) was incepted in 1993 with a visionary goal: transforming arid wastelands into fertile farming and tree plantation areas. This initiative aims to create more opportunities for tribal and rural communities, enhancing their livelihoods and socio-economic status through sustainable natural resource management. By promoting sustainable practices, IFFDC helps build resilient agricultural systems that benefit both the environment and the farming communities.

Cooperative Rural Development Trust (CORDET)

The Cooperative Rural Development Trust (CORDET) was set up to provide essential training and education to farmers. With its presence across all five manufacturing plant locations, CORDET focuses on empowering farmers through knowledge dissemination and skill development. This initiative ensures that farmers are well-equipped with modern farming techniques and sustainable practices, ultimately leading to increased productivity and improved livelihoods.

Through these not-for-profit subsidiaries, IFFCO reaffirms its commitment to the comprehensive development of the farming community, addressing critical areas that contribute to their overall well-being and prosperity.