A Testament to the Cooperative Model

A Testament to the Cooperative Model

IFFCO, registered as a multi-unit Cooperative Society on November 3, 1967, stands as one of the most successful cooperative societies in India. For over five decades, IFFCO has steadfastly pursued its mission of empowering rural communities. The cooperative model, which underscores IFFCO's operations, is seen as a key driver of progress and prosperity.

How Does the Cooperative Model Work?

The International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) defines a cooperative as an autonomous association of individuals who voluntarily unite to meet their common economic, social, and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically controlled enterprise. This model uniquely positions workers as owners of the enterprise, challenging the traditional capitalist mindset by promoting shared profits, shared control, and shared benefits. The cooperative model not only generates profits but also fosters societal progress.

India's Journey with the Cooperative Model

While the modern concept of cooperation gained momentum in India post-independence, its origins can be traced back to ancient Indian scriptures. A Sanskrit verse from the ‘Maha Upanishad’ translates to ‘The entire world is a single large family,’ reflecting the deeply rooted cooperative ethos in Indian culture.

Cooperatives in Independent India

Post-independence, India was driven by a strong ambition for economic growth and development. Cooperatives played a pivotal role in the country's Five-Year Plans, significantly contributing to the success of these economic blueprints. By the 1960s, the cooperative movement had a strong presence in various sectors, including agriculture, dairy, consumer supplies, and urban banking.

Cooperatives of the Independent India

Independence era saw the emergence of a new progress-hungry India, eager to ride the wave of industrial revolution. This new-found ambition further strengthened the cooperative movement, making them an integral part of the 5-year plans
By 1960s, the cooperative movement had established a strong foothold in the country with many of the industrial giants across agriculture, dairy, consumer supplies and even urban banking running on the model.

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru

Independent India was infused with fresh energy to achieve economic growth and development. The cooperatives achieved great significance and became an integral part of our 5-year economic plans. The success of the First Five Year Plan (1951-1956) was credited to the implementations by cooperative organisations. Thus, becoming a distinct segment in the Indian economy.

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru

First Prime Minister of India

Shri Deendayal Upadhyaya

Cooperative has been very important & central element of Indian life system. On the basis of this we should try to reconstruct the economic policy.

Shri Deendayal Upadhyaya

Visionary Thinker

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